Products RBT-MI

  • Products RBT-MI
  • Foods
  • Drinks
  • Crafts
  • Others



Iberian Meseta Cross Border Biosphere Reserve is a seal of excellence awarded by UNESCO to a territory where the symbiosis between Man and the Biosphere is absolute. This designation is intended to:

» Promote tourism by combining the UNESCO brand with Nature Conservation, certified regional products and the creation of new employment opportunities;  
» Promote the marketing of products from the region, tourism in accordance with the environment and an innovative agriculture that protects the environment.

As part of the development of the Region, a collective Community Trade Mark has been registered: The Brand “Iberian Meseta Cross Border Biosphere Reserve” in the European Union.

This Brand allows to promote among consumers:


Foods and beverages made,

obtained or grown in the region,

all ofwhich originate in a traditional

and cross-border rural environment;


Restaurants that use these

local products to make

their menus;

The craft market of the region

that perpetuate traditional

arts and crafts; 

Hotel establishments and leisure

companies offering activities

related to the region's ecosystems

There are currently a significant number of entrepreneurs in the region who invest their efforts on these traditional activities of the local economy. The products and services that can adhere to this Brand are the following:

   » Agrifood products and beverages for human consumption;
   » Non-food craft products;
   » Hotel services, including lodging and catering, provided in establishments;
   » Business leisure services.

In order to apply for the authorization to use the brand, the interested party must submit an application to the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation ZASNET, EGTC or to the deputation of Zamora Province, depending on the production unit, craft workshop, hotel establishment or the leisure company being located in Portugal or in Spain, respectively.
For more information on the use of the Brand, click here