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Regulation Menu Meseta Ibérica
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The Meseta Ibérica Menu consists mostly of locally produced foods, respecting the regional seasonality of the products (when applicable). It should integrate, whenever possible:
» Soup and / or starter
» Main course
» Bread
» Wine or other drink
» Dessert
To find out more about the Meseta Ibérica Menu or to join, consult the information leaflet, download the regulations and complete the membership form.
"Buy fresh, buy local!" - this is the motto of the platform for publicizing the production and marketing of local products, inspired by the concepts of Slow food and KmO.
These concepts go against the globally organized system in which food travel great distances, are controlled by gigantic companies and are "wrapped up" in social, environmental and nutritional problems.
O Slow Food
Slow Food is an international movement that was born in Italy in the 1980s to counter the spread of fast food and the effects of "fast life". It starts from the premise that food is the main factor in defining human identity, and what we eat is a cultural product. The main values of the Slow Food movement are:

If, "eating is an agricultural act", as the farming poet Wendell Berry said, food production must be considered, then, a "gastronomic act".
The consumer, with his choices, guides the market and production, and by becoming aware of these processes, he can assume a new role. Consumption, in this way, forms part of a productive act and the consumer, a co-producer.
The producer plays a key role in this process, working to achieve quality.
Therefore, quality food should be: GOOD, CLEAN e FAIR.
GOOD representing a tasty food, satisfying the senses and being part of the local culture: The taste and aroma of a food recognizable by the senses are the result of the good work of the producer and the choice of raw materials and production methods that should not change your naturalness.
CLEAN for having been produced with respect to the environment, animal welfare and human health: The environment must be respected, and sustainable practices of cultivation, creation, processing, marketing and consumption must be implemented. Each stage of the agro-industrial production chain, including consumption, must preserve ecosystems and biodiversity, defending the health of consumers and producers.
FAIR for having affordable prices for consumers and adequate remuneration for producers: It is important that there is social justice, adopting working conditions that respect human beings and their rights, thus promoting a balanced global economy.
Concept KmO
This concept is based on the establishment and promotion of a locally based food chain and on a policy to promote the consumption of locally produced food that I have created for sustainability and the local economy. KmO has the following principles:
Sustainable management of energy resources and reduction of the ecological food footprint, reducing the energy needed for food to arrive from the place of production to its final destination:
» Food sovereignty and stimulating local production, reducing the degree of external food dependence;
» Promotion of local economy, by stimulating work and economic circulation within a community and region;
» Preservation of biodiversity and protection of traditional production techniques, valuing local varieties and facilitating the economic profitability of the option for organic farming;
» Valorization of traditional gastronomy through the supply of specific products of local origin and of high quality.
Through this platform, the Meseta Ibérica Transboundary Biosphere Reserve aims to fulfill the central objectives of the "local food" approach:
» Streamlining the consumption of locally produced food;
» The establishment of direct links between producers and consumers;
» The revitalization of production, transformation and distribution structures;
» The construction of networks of relationships between producers and entrepreneurs;
» Promotion of the local economy and rural development.